Why Does My Smartphone Keep Freezing Up on Me?

Why Does My Smartphone Keep Freezing Up on Me?

“I am so tired of this!” Have you caught yourself saying that while using your smartphone recently? Is it because the phone keeps freezing?

When your smartphone freezes, it can be frustrating, especially if you are doing something important such as working or typing out an email. 

There are a number of different reasons why your phone may be locking up on you and not allowing you to perform activities on it. 

Below, we will discuss some of the most common reasons why your smartphone is freezing. 

Too Many Applications Are Open and Running on Your Phone 

It is easy to hop from one application to the next on your phone, but did you know that many times these applications that you thought you closed out of are still open and running on your device? 

It is true. In fact, it is important to go in and force stop the application to stop it from continuing to run in the background. Allowing apps to continue to run, even in the background, will slow down your phone and cause it to freeze up. 

No More Memory Space 

Memory, while it seems infinite, can be used up very quickly and once it is used up, your phone will start to freeze and lock up on you. 

You may find that you are out of memory simply because you have too many videos, pictures, and apps on your phone at the same time. 

The best way to combat memory space problems on your smartphone is to either upgrade your memory or upload photos and videos to another storage location of your choice such as Google Drive or iCloud. 

You will want to make sure that you clean up the memory on your phone by clearing your cache and erasing apps and data you do not need. 

Outdated Phone or Software 

Unfortunately, some phones are just too old. If you have an older model phone and the manufacturer no longer supports the operating system, you will run into problems at some point or another and the problem is usually your phone freezing. 

If the reason your phone is freezing is because of an outdated operating system, you will need to upgrade to a newer phone that supports the newest operating system. 

While an outdated phone could be the problem, so could outdated software. Software developers issue updates to help solve problems with the apps they create and if you do not install a new patch or update, you may experience issues such as your phone freezing. 

It is recommended that you check for updates to both your phone and all apps periodically and complete any necessary ones when they pop up. 

Get Your Smartphone Repaired Today 


Struggling with a phone that freezes is enough to make you want to toss it in the trash. At NYC Cell Phone Repair, we are here to help you. A freezing phone is no match for us, and we can help you get your phone unfrozen. Our team will quickly diagnose the issue at hand and then provide you with affordable repairs that fix the problem. We invite you to bring your smartphone to our NYC repair center today or you can call us to schedule a repair appointment. 

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